Monday, December 19, 2011

Book on Democracy and the Politics of International Law (in German)

Philip Liste 2011, Völkerrecht-Sprechen: Die Konstruktion demokratischer
Völkerrechtspolitik in den USA und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
, Baden-Baden: Nomos (Studien der Hessischen Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Bd. 11)

The Third Motherland - Great Documentary on Youtube

Some of you know that Costas Contantinou has been working on a documentary the Maronites in Cyprus in the last couple of years. This piece of work really speaks to the debates on identity in IR. It's online on youtube at . Just have a look.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

CGG Lecture (University of Hamburg) with Prof. Richard Bellamy, PhD

On WED, Nov 9, 2011 Richard Bellamy (University College London) will give a talk on "Are International Human Rights Conventions democratically legitimate? Political Constitutionalism and the Hirst Case".

For more information, see the website of the Center for Globalization and Governance

Vacancy for a Postdoctoral Researcher in the SHARES Project

The SHARES project is looking for a new postdoctoral researcher to join the team. The postdoctoral researcher will carry out independent research into the substantive and/or procedural aspects of shared responsibility in international law. Candidates should apply with an outline of a research project that they propose to conduct as part of the SHARES project (max. 1500 words). The deadline for applications has been extended to 18 November 2011.
For more information, please click here.

Principles on Extra-Territorial Human Rights Obligations Adopted

The Maastricht Centre for Human Rights of Maastricht University and the International Commission of Jurists are pleased to announce the adoption of the Maastricht Principles on Extra-Territorial Obligations (ETOs) of States in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. These international legal principles clarify the human rights obligations of States beyond their own borders. The Principles cover all economic, social and cultural rights, including among others the right to just and favourable conditions of work, social security, an adequate standard of living, food, housing, water, sanitation, health, education and participation in cultural life.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Operations of the Global - Workshop, University of Hamburg

Operations of the Global – Explorations of Dis/Connectivity
6th-8th October 2011

organized by:
Prof. Dr. Urs Stäheli
Dr. Sven Opitz
Ute Tellmann, PhD

How to Think the Global?

Recent debates on globalization have challenged the idea of the globe as a pre-existing and all-encompassing entity. The focus has turned towards different and situated modes of doing globalization. This conference suggests understanding the global as the effect of particular, fragmented and material operations. We seek to explore and compare different forms of dis/connectivity. Finance, diplomacy, law, consumption, transport and migration depend for their global reach on specific forms of connectivity. While finance is tied by networks of information; global commodity chains depend on logistical organization of space. Where political and legal norms travel by citation and standardization, security measures enlist contagious logics of affect. Each form of connectivity is constitutively linked to different materialities and media and is characterized by different temporalities and intensities. At this conference we will ask how different materialities and logics of connectivity intertwine. How do these modes differ in terms of density, speed and diffusion? How can we theorize the materiality of these connective links? Are there tipping points that turn connectivity into disconnectivity?

// Download Program

Monday, September 26, 2011

Call: 2012 ECPR Joint Session Workshop on The institutions of international society revisited: theory, practice, performativity

ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2012
University of Antwerp, Belgium
10th - 15th April 2012

Workshop Title: The institutions of international society revisited: theory, practice, performativity

Directors: Jorg KUSTERMANS,
ANTWERP, University of

LEIDEN, Universiteit

The purpose of this workshop is to re-assess the institutions of international society, as defined by Hedley Bull in the 1970’s, in light of recent theoretical advances in International Relations scholarship, viz. the focus on practice and performance. It will focus on two main issues: (1) which are the institutions of (contemporary) international or world society and how have these institutions evolved? (2) what does the deployment of analytical concepts such as practice and performativity add to our understanding of the institutions of international society, and thus of international society as such? Answers to these questions should yield a theoretical and empirical update of the concept of international society.
To this end, we invite papers that analyse a particular institution of international society (e.g. war, diplomacy, law, or less common entries like colonialism and multilateralism), or that analyse an emerging institution of world society, through the lens of practice and/or performance theory. Papers can be either theory-heavy, empirics-heavy, or evenly balanced, but all should preferably include both components.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CGG Lecture Series 2011-12 on Global Constitutionalism: Thinking about Justice, Legitimacy and Democracy in Global Terms

The 2011-12 Lecture Series of the Center for Globalization and Governance at the University of Hamburg will focus on Global Constitutionalism: Thinking about Justice, Legitimacy and Democracy in Global Terms

Time and Place:
02.11.2011 – 25.01.2012 WEDNESDAY, 6 – 8 pm
University of Hamburg, Lecture Room K, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1

Participants: Robert Howse & Ruti G. Teitel, New York University; Richard Bellamy, University College London; Cecelia Lynch, University of California at Irvine; Christoph Möllers, Humboldt Universität Berlin; Neil Walker, University of Edinburgh; Richard Ned Lebow, Darthmouth College

Abstract: The 21st century has brought about a change from merely globalised to constitutionalised international relations. The shift comes with a paradox: While international organisations have undergone processes of constitutionalisation compliance with international law is highly contested. At the same time, most international actors including both states and none-states would be in broad agreement that legitimacy and legality matter in international relations. The paradox has been addressed by lawyers and political scientists from a range of theoretical angles who raised questions about the relationship between different legal orders and the role of international organisations. Specifically, recent studies of global constitutionalism have discussed ways in which the United Nations (UN) can be incorporated into a constitutional order and developed methods to assess the constitutionalisation of international organisations such as the World Trade Union (WTO, the European Union (EU), Mercosur and other. These academic debates are global. They reflect the pressing problem of legitimate governance for politicians and courts as contested UN Security Council decisions inside and outside European and other regional courts demonstrate (compare the debate about the Kadi case and its implications for law and politics). However, despite the wide-ranging interest and the political pressure to fix global problems with the intervening assistance of international institutions, there is little agreement on how to proceed (compare the UN Security Council decision on Libya). The observed change that is brought to the fore by global constitutionalism represents a particular challenge to international relations theory since it involves a distinct constitutional quality in an area not commonly addressed by constitutional theory.

COORDINATION: Professor Antje Wiener, Chair in Political Science and Global Governance, University of Hamburg

Download Program

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ZERP Working Paper on "The ICJ and Transnational Law" (Case Concerning Jurisdictional Immunities)

Andreas Fischer Lescano and Carsten Gericke 2011. The ICJ and Transnational Law: The “Case Concerning Jurisdictional Immunities” as an Indicator for the Future of the Transnational Legal Order. ZERP-Working Paper 2/2011.

Download from the ZERP Homepage

see also:

On 22 December 2008 the Federal Republic of Germany initialized proceedings against the Italian Republic before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. In January 2011 Greece applied for permission to intervene in the case. On 4 July 2011 the ICJ decided that Greece is permitted to intervene as a nonparty in the case, pursuant to Article 62 of the Statute. Public hearings in The Hague will take place from 12 to 16 September 2011.

The outcome of this “Case Concerning Jurisdictional Immunities” is of central significance for the future of the transnational enforcement of human rights insofar as the ICJ decision will determine the role national courts are to play in the enforcement of compensation claims under civil law in the field of “transitional justice.” Consequently, it will also determine how the tension between human rights, on the one hand, and state immunity, on the other, is to be adjusted. If one conceives “transnational law” in the vein of Philip C. Jessup – i.e. as law that breaks with the paradigm of an ius inter gentes, which can be invoked by individuals and which transcends the dualism of national and international law – it can be concluded that the future of transnational law and the leeway for the transnational enforcement strategies of civil societal actors depend significantly on the course of the proceedings in The Hague.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vacancy: Research Coordinator at the CGG in Hamburg

The Center for Globalization and Governance at the University of Hamburg is seeking a research coordinator (part time). For more information (in German), see

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Benjamin Faude on the Paradox of Legalization

Benjamin Faude has published a revised version of the paper presented at our section at the 2010 SGIR confernce in the German Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen.

Faude, Benjamin (2011): Paradoxe Verrechtlichtung. Wie Streitschlichtungsmechanismen interagieren. In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 18: 1. S. 77-108.

In diesem Beitrag wird argumentiert, dass es zur Erfassung der Verrechtlichung internationaler Politik notwendig ist, auch die inter-institutionellen Implikationen institutionenspezifischer Verrechtlichungsprozesse systematisch zu untersuchen. Daher wird zunächst die Interdependenz von Verrechtlichung und institutioneller Wechselwirkung verdeutlicht. Anschließend wird ein theoretischer Ansatz zur systematischen Analyse institutioneller Wechselwirkung durch Streitschlichtung entwickelt. Mit Hilfe dieses Ansatzes wird anhand von zwei Fallstudien exemplarisch analysiert, wie und mit welchen Folgen sich Streitschlichtungsmechanismen wechselseitig beeinflussen. Es handelt sich dabei um die Streitschlichtungsmechanismen des Nordamerikanischen Freihandelsabkommens (NAFTA) und der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO). Durch das Aufdecken inkonsistenter bzw.
partieller Entscheidungen der beiden Streitschlichtungsmechanismen wird deutlich, dass institutionenspezifische Verrechtlichungsprozesse grundsätzlich die Gefahr in sich bergen, sich in anderen Institutionen vollziehende Verrechtlichungsprozesse zu unterminieren. Im Hinblick auf die Lösung von internationalen Konflikten ist eine Konsequenz der separaten Verrechtlichung in einzelnen internationalen Institutionen paradoxerweise die Gefahr des Rückfalls aus dem regelbasierten Interaktionsmodus im Rahmen der Streitschlichtungsmechanismen in den machtbasierten Interaktionsmodus außerhalb derselben.

In this article it is argued that, in order to grasp the legalization of world politics entirely, it is necessary to investigate the inter-institutional implications of institution-specific processes of legalization. First, the interdependence of legalization and institutional interaction is explicated. Subsequently, a theoretical approach to analyze institutional interaction through Dispute Settlement is developed. Empirically, two case studies demonstrate how and with which consequences the Dispute Settlement Mechanisms of the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) mutually influence each other through inconsistent and partial decisions. It becomes clear that institution-specific processes of legalization generally imply the danger of undermining the legalization processes within other institutions. With regard to the resolution of international conflicts, a consequence of the institution-specific legalization is paradoxically the relapse from the rule-based mode of interaction within the Dispute Settlement Mechanisms into the power-based mode of interaction outside the Dispute Settlement Mechanisms.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Der Kampf ums Recht" - Konferenz, 1.-3. September 2011, Universität Wien

"Der Kampf ums Recht": Akteure und Interessen im Blick der interdisziplinären Rechtsforschung. Zweiter Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen, 1.-3. September 2011, Universität Wien

„Alles Recht in der Welt ist erstritten worden“, hielt Rudolf von Jhering 1872 in Wien der seinerzeit unter Juristen weit verbreiteten Auffassung entgegen, das Recht erwachse einem „Volkgeist“ oder der allgemeinen Vernunft. Für Jhering dagegen war „Recht nicht bloßer Gedanke, sondern lebendige Kraft“, und das Ergebnis des Kampfes widerstreitender Interessen und politischer Aus­ein­ander­setzungen. Eine Vielzahl von Akteuren kämpft danach um das geltende Recht, manche für den Status Quo, andere für Veränderungen. Der Kampf, so Jhering, ist „die Arbeit des Rechts“, das Recht „kein logischer, sondern […] ein Kraftbegriff“.

more information (in German)

COST Action 1003 offers Short term mobility support in International Law/International Relations

It is possible to apply for support for short term mobility (3 days-6 months) within the frame of the COST Action: International Law between Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation: the role of law in the post-national constellation. (to be found at the Action website: ). The mobility is intended to facilitate research collaboration on topics that fall within the frame of the action, especially for younger researchers. Support can be offered to researchers who wish to move between (from/to) institutions located in the countries that have signed the action. Currently the following countries participate in the Action: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Hungary, Ireland, Sweden and the European Institute in Florence. South Africa and Australia are currently applying for partnership.
Applications will be prioritized according to their relevance and closeness to the research agenda of the Action. For further information on the mobility support see the Action website: . The application form can be found at
For any queries or to submit complete applications, please contact one of the following two STSM coordinators:

Alexia Herwig, JSD, LLM
Associate Professor
Faculty of Law
University of Antwerp
Venusstraat 23
2000 Antwerp
Phone : + 32 3 265 5498

Anna Leander
Department of Business and Politics
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 18A
2000 Frederiksberg
Phone: +45 3815 3119
Anna Leander
Professor (mso)
Department of Business and Politics
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 18A, DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel.: (+45) 3815 3119 | |

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Free Access to Leiden Journal

The Leiden Journal of International Law is provides a forum for two vital areas, namely international legal theory and international dispute settlement. Its articles section publishes critical contributions to legal and political theory. This makes it of interest to IR scholars too. Alexander Wendt considers LJIL 'to be an indispensable gateway to work at the intersection of international law, international relations, and even political theory'.

Cambridge University Press is pleased to offer you complimentary access to a collection of articles from the Leiden Journal of International Law that reach firmly into the realms of international relations. These LJIL articles are available - completely free - for a limited period here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ISA Round Table on Judicial Coordination and the Global Community of Courts: Critical Perspectives

National courts often use international norms in their decisions even when such norms have not been incorporated into their domestic legal systems. Judicial cross-fertilization also occurs as a result of mutual referencing of foreign decisions that have persuasive appeal, and through extensive networking initiatives. It is argued that this phenomenon signals the emergence of a "global community of courts" and the merging of international and domestic legal systems. To evaluate this claim, research needs to engage two types of questions with far reaching implications for politics and law. The first, empirical question is whether transjudicial cooperation is indeed a global trend: is it occurring across legal traditions and cultures? What motivates courts to turn to international and foreign law in reasoning their decisions? How do other actors outside the judiciary perceive this practice? The second, normative question is whether this observed merging of international and national law may take place in the absence of shared values, principles and normative underpinnings. In other words, even if empirically it can be shown that judicial cross-fertilization is global in scope, and that it may blur the distinctions between international and national law, what are the ethical implications of such developments?

Participants: Kerstin Blome (University Bremen), Charlotte Ku (Univerity of Illinios), Philip Liste (University of Hamburg), Andreas von Staden (University St Gallen), Chair: Antje Wiener (University of Hamburg)

The Round Table discussion is taking place at the ISA Annual Convention, Montreal, Thursday, March 17, 2011 10:30 AM
Room: Viger A

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Karlsruhe dankt ab - Prantl in der SZ

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht schleicht sich aus dem Grundrechtsschutz für Flüchtlinge heraus. Es verlässt sich erneut darauf, dass die Politik alles richtig machen wird - und degradiert sich mit dieser Entscheidung selbst.
zum Kommentar in der SZ

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Global Organisation as Text in Context, Call for papers - 6th ECPR General Conference (25th - 27th Aug. 2011)

For a panel on "Global Organisation as Text in Context" at the ECPR General Conference, Section 82: "Developments of and in International Organisations – From Interstate Cooperation to Global Order?" we are calling for paper proposals  (Deadline Feb 1, 2011).

International Organisations/Institutions and discourse are not mutually exclusive. Focussing on the institutionalisation of discourses and on the discursive production and reproduction of institutions, the panel is based on the assumption that discourses and institutions are inextricably intertwined and, thus, should be analysed accordingly. In terms of empirical studies, a textual perspective allows to access the micropolitics of institutions and international organisations.
We are interested in the discursive processes that bring forth what Max Weber has called the “congealed spirit [...] embodied in that living machine which is represented by bureaucratic organisation with its specialisation of trained, technical work, its delimitation of areas of responsibility, its regulations and its graduated hierarchy of relations of obedience”. Against the background of a renewed interest in the formalisation of institutions, for instance in the context of debates about global constitutionalisation, the panel engages with the self-generative processes of (highly) formalised institutions, i.e. IOs.
Questions for papers in the frame of this panel could include:
How is the social context of international organisations/institutions reflected in their institutional discourses? What is the relation between organisations and their social/political environment? How do institutions structure their discursive arenas – and the subject positions connected to them?

All paper proposals must be submitted via email and online under
(Deadline: Feb 1, 2011)